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Step Into Decorating...Magical MakeoversCBy Mary Jenkins Asquithhristmas and Thanksgiving is around the corner. It’s the time of the year that we are ordering allour Christmas decor, and it is so exciting!! Our clients book their MagicalMakeovers so we can create our Magic. Table tops and ornaments as well as tree skirts and decor on mantles and front doors. We have been doing Magical Makeovers for over 40 years. From doing the La Villita inthe 80’s as well as many offices and homes. A theme is always critical when doing atree.There are so many colorways and it’simportant that you add to your theme and update the look as the years pass by.Place the front door wreath with the same ornaments as the tree as well as tying the mantle decor to the tree and front door area.Is it important to decorate in the theme of your decor style in your home? Yes...I believe that it flows much better if you take time to plan the color and the style to your decor.Remember every room in the home can have a bit of holiday decor.Call us if you need a tabletop or a holiday design in your home.We would love to assist you.!Your Home is your Castle• Over 40 years of experience• Custom Interior Draperies, Furniture, Carpet & Flooring, Artwork• Home Remodeling Projects & more!(210) 490-0161Call for your personal consultation.Design Fee Upon Request.The Jenkinsinterior Design Groupwww.jenkinsidg.comAsk About our FREE One Hour Magical Makeover (Minimum of 4 hours)The Jenkins Interior Design Group, LLC Mary L Jenkins Asquith, R.I.D., owner210 490 0161Jennifer Jenkins, Designer210 325 3772Jessica Trevino, Designer 210 464 1519The Jenkins Interior Design Group, LLCWelcomesNEW PARTNER, BROOKE IREYBRANCH LAW FIRMBRANCH LAW FIRM549 Heimer Rd., Suite 200, San Antonio, TX 78232Call Us For All Your Family Law Needs(210) 229-2088 • www.branchfamilylaw.comJOIN USConnecting, Supporting&Empowering Women In Business• Expand Your Business Connections• Collaborate With Like-Minded Women • Attend Lunch & Learns• Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies• Provide Networking & Social Events• Building RelationshipsASSOCIATIONRegister today for our next event at www.stoneoakladiesba.comor all (210) 421-6076October 11

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